{family hug outside of our apt. in Bountiful)
Anyway...the first night in Memphis was spent at the Awards Banquet. The program was surprisingly funny and Zach was even recognized a few times! After the banquet we got together with some friends to play games. It was a great time - being able to stay up late, be loud and laugh so hard that your stomach hurts!
The next day was graduation! Thank you to Jesse and Marissa for coming so I wouldn't be the only one without family to sit next to. :) I am SO proud of Zach! He has worked very hard the past 4 years and I know he's an excellent doctor. The last 4 years were definitely not easy, but hopefully they'll be worth it!
{and I wonder why I have wrist problems...}
{Dr. Zachary Oswald!!}
After graduation we took lots of pictures and ate dinner at Corkys. Then we headed back to the hotel and sat in the not-so-hot, hot tub for a little bit. Then we had a little movie/sleepover with the Welshes. We decided to start a movie at 2 AM; hence the sleeping part...haha. I can't stay awake when we start a movie at 10 PM so I was out pretty fast!
Our last day in Memphis was spent going down town, watching Fast 5, and of course making one last stop at Jerry's son cones. It was great to be able to spend some time with our awesome friends that became family to us the last 4 years.
Thanks to our parents for watching Declan so we could go have fun with friends for a few days!