Tuesday, May 1, 2012


After we got back from Oregon, my parents stayed for a few days and then Declan and I drove back to Idaho with them.  Declan loves being at his grandparent's houses.  He asks to go all the time and I always feel so bad when I have to tell him that they live too far away.  

Declan loves to watch Jungle Book in my parent's bed.

Declan kept asking me if he could sleep in the "Bella" bed but I was too nervous about him falling out so he slept in my old bed.
While we were in Rexburg we got to see my friend, Ashlie, and finally meet her little girl, Everlie.  Declan loved Everlie!  It was so fun to spend a few hours with them.  I miss hanging out with Ashlie and we don't get to see each other nearly enough.  We're due 2 days apart (both with boys) so we had to take a picture together.

 haha, this one of Declan makes me laugh!

 trying to get a picture of Declan with my parents but none of them are ready for it. :)
We also spent some time in Idaho Falls with Zach's family.  Zach drove down Friday night after work, had an interview on Saturday in Idaho Falls and then we all drove back to Walla Walla on Sunday.  Really quick trip for Zach!  The interview there went well and he was actually offered that job but the only benefit of it was that it is located by family.  Unfortunately, the more we looked into the job and spoke with former doctors that had worked there we found out it was definitely not a good place to be!  Anyway, here are Declan and Paige together.  This was the first time they had seen each other since Christmas and they were so cute jumping in the crib together and squealing!


  1. Miss my Nik-a-Jack! Hope everything goes well for you in the next couple days. Can't wait until we can get our boys together!!

  2. I love that your room is still green!!! You and Ash look so cute pregnant cant wait to see both your cute kiddies!

  3. Nikky, Declan totally looks like you in that top picture! He looks like he's a funny kid with all of the faces he makes for pictures :)
