Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mini Golfing

A new miniature golf course opened in Walla Walla and we decided to check it out on Martin Luther King Jr. Day since Zach had the day off work.  Declan has his own set of plastic clubs that he plays with at home quite a bit so he knew exactly what to do!  It was funny at first though because we would tell him to put it in the hole and after hitting it a few times he would just pick the ball up and place it in the hole!  After watching Zach and I play though, he understood what he was supposed to do.  He definitely had fun - he's been asking to go back recently.  It amazes me that he remembers things like this after so many months have passed.

Afterwards we tried out a new place to eat - Mr. Ed's.  It was really good food and great milkshakes - Declan didn't want to share Zach's milkshake.  Anytime Zach tried to take a sip Declan would push his head away and say, "go away, dad!  That's mine!"  It turned out to be a fun game for the two of them.

We ended the day by going grocery shopping.  While I was checking out Zach took Declan to the little arcade/toy area in Wal-mart.  He never gets to do this when he goes shopping with just me so he was in heaven!

Also, I forgot to mention that a few days before this I was chasing Declan who was on Zach's shoulders and since I had a slightly bigger belly than I was used to - I couldn't see that Declan had left a few toys on the ground in the living room.  I twisted my foot on one of his toy dinosaurs started to fall forward and made myself turn around (twisting my foot again), fell into our wall and then finally fell on the floor.  It all happened so fast that I didn't realize what had completely happened until a few days later.  Honestly, I thought I broke my tailbone at first especially when Zach turned around and said, "whoa, you broke the wall!"

It was when I tried to get up and walk I realized I did something bad to my foot.  The next day Zach came home really early from work and we went to an urgent care in town to find out that I had indeed broken my 5th metatarsal bone in my foot.  (The furthest bone on the outside, leading to the pinky toe bone.)  I got to wear a sweet boot for about 2 weeks and I'm glad to say now it really does feel completely healed.  That's the last time I'm chasing after my boys while pregnant.

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